Jesus in America

Jesus in America is a national study released in March 2022 in a partnership between The Episcopal Church and Ipsos. The research found that while the majority of Americans polled believe Jesus was an important spiritual figure and want equality in society, it also showed Christians are not necessarily practicing what Jesus taught, and Americans feel judged when talking about their beliefs. Read More »

Whose School Is It Anyway? (Webinar)

Leading a church school comes with a completely different set of blessings and challenges! This joint NAES/SAES webinar will offer some best practices for creating a healthy church/school relationship, as well as guidance for how rectors and heads can collaborate effectively.

Early Childhood Programs — Bylaws and Board Composition (Webinar)

Early childhood programs that exist in relationship to an Episcopal parish or other church entity have distinctive governance structures, whereby the vestry delegates to a school board—through bylaws—the governance of the school. Who should sit on the school board? How might they be selected? What authority is reserved by the vestry and what authority is delegated to the school board? When and by whom should bylaws be changed? NAES will offer an overview of common practices and current trends.

Episcopal Schools for Rectors (Webinar)

Are you a rector, interim rector, or priest-in-charge new to leading a congregation with an Episcopal school? This webinar is for you! Join us to learn more about the key characteristics of Episcopal schools, key differences between parishes and schools, how you can support positive church-school relations, and the services and resources available to you from NAES.

Principles of Good Practice for Chapel and Worship in Episcopal Schools

Approved by the NAES Governing Board in April 2011, this document highlights the crucial components of a comprehensive, meaningful, and age-appropriate approach to worship and chapel in Episcopal schools as reflected in the Association's diverse membership. NAES urges all schools to use them as part of the context in which they formulate and assess this most crucial expression of their Episcopal identity. Read More »

Church-School Relations—Shared Spaces and Expenses (Webinar)

Negotiating space use and structuring an appropriate financial relationship between a school and a church are inherently challenging tasks for both church and school leaders. This webinar offers best practices and practical approaches that can help to simplify and ease this process.

Shared-Expenses Allocation

This documents provides a rationale and process that schools and churches should adopt when determining and allocating shared expenses. It explores: revenue and expense sources in church and school budgets; the benefits of allocation as opposed to undifferentiated lump sum payments; optimal church and school governance structures necessary for the process; implementation suggestions and instructions; and lists of key budget areas for consideration.