NAES Mentoring Program for New Chaplains

“An effective school chaplain can make an extraordinary difference in life of an Episcopal school. As pastor, priest, prophet, and teacher, the chaplain can serve as a binding, spiritual force, standing at the crossroads of faith and reason, individual and community, tradition and change…The need for chaplains who feel called by God to carry out a ministry in this unique context, and who live exemplary lives supported by prayer and service, has never been greater.”

— NAES Principles of Good Practice for School Ministry in Episcopal Schools

The NAES Mentoring Program for New Chaplains provides a unique opportunity for first- and second-year Episcopal school chaplains to work one-on-one with an experienced mentor as well as participate in in-person and online learning and conversation.

About the Program

Each new chaplain is matched with an experienced Episcopal school chaplain mentor. The program consists of:

  • A one-hour online orientation to be held virtually on Thursday, September 26, 2024, from 2pm to 3pm Eastern Time.
  • Attend NAES Biennial Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, November 13–15, 2024. 
  • Attend the New Chaplains Deep Dive on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, from 1pm to 5pm at Biennial Conference.
  • Monthly mentor/mentee conversations.
  • Semi-annual check-in with NAES staff members.
  • Mentoring program celebration (virtual) on May 7, 2025 from 2pm to 3pm Eastern Time.
  • Access to resources about Episcopal schools, chaplaincy, and effective mentor/mentee relationships.
  • In-person visits (optional).

About In-Person Visits

NAES is pleased to offer a program addition to the Mentoring Program for New Chaplains: in-person visits. This program component allows mentors and mentees to hold a two-day in-person visit. This visit can be at either the mentor or mentee’s school and should include ample time for one-on-one conversations. On a needs-basis, NAES will provide travel grants to ensure access to this optional program enhancement.

Costs and Fees

Each school is asked to underwrite the registration, lodging, and travel costs related to attending the Deep Dive for New Chaplains and Biennial Conference, held November 13–15, 2024 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. There are no other fees for the mentoring program. 

Who May Apply

Ordained or lay chaplains beginning their first or second year as chaplain at an NAES member school are invited to apply. Applicants must be serving in at least a half-time capacity as a school chaplain.

How to Apply

There are two parts to the application for the mentoring program:

  • Part I: Mentee Application (online form to be completed by the applicant).
  • Part II: School Certification of Financial and Professional Development Support (PDF form to be completed by the applicant’s head of school or supervising administrator).
    Download form here.

Deadline to apply is August 30, 2024. Only completed applications will be considered. Applicants will be notified about participation within two weeks of the receipt of their application.


Never hesitate to email or call Monica Gillespie, NAES Associate Director, at or (212) 716-6307.