A Matter of Time

At the recent NAES Head’s Retreat in Chicago, facilitator and former school head Fran Scoble led the group through a series of powerful reflections and engaging questions. Sitting together... Read More »

The Importance of Being Generalists

At our recent conference for school chaplains, one of the concerns raised by this group was the degree to which the trend toward specialization is forcing many chaplains to re-think or re-clarify... Read More »

Scarcity or Abundance?

In his re-telling of the familiar story of the loaves and fishes at Biennial Conference 2008 in Tampa, Parker Palmer challenged us to re-think the role of leaders and our assumptions about scarcity... Read More »

Welcome to The Commons

Welcome to The Commons, NAES’ sort-of-a-blog for its members. We look forward to bringing you timely, sometimes tough, questions, insights, and feedback from NAES and Episcopal school leaders... Read More »