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Reasons for Being: The Culture and Character of Episcopal Schools, Second Edition
National Association of Episcopal Schools
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Reasons for Being: The Culture and Character of Episcopal Schools, first published in 1997, is a collection of essays on foundational, mission-related topics central to Episcopal school identity, governance, and leadership. Newly updated in 2010 and written by Episcopal school leaders and NAES staff members, the fifteen essays examine: the mission and Anglican ethos of Episcopal schools; the history of Episcopal schools and their relationship to the Episcopal Church; the head of school's role; the school as a spiritual community; chapel and worship; religious studies; religious pluralism; early childhood education; community service; and Episcopal schools as just communities. Each essay includes suggested questions for discussion and reflection.
Ideal for use by new and experienced Episcopal school and Church leaders as they articulate the Episcopal ethos of their schools; as a resource at faculty, staff, board, and vestry retreats and professional development gatherings; and by parents, diocesan staff, or others interested in learning about our school.
Product Details:
Product ID: | 1-58777-038-5 |
Publication Year: | 2010 |
Pages, Size, or Length: | 112 pages, 5.5" x 8.5" |