News from Our Members: An Introduction to and Guidelines for this New Service

NAES is pleased to announce the introduction of News from Our Members, a new web service for NAES member schools, Early Childhood Education programs and school start-up committees. Although announced in the May issue of Network as coming in June 2008, this service is available beginning today!

What is News from Our Members?
News from Our Members will feature press releases and news for current member schools. The goals for this new member service are two-fold:

  • to promote more fully to the wider world the successful, outstanding ministry and mission taking place in Episcopal schools; and
  • to build a greater sense of community among Episcopal school leaders through shared knowledge and celebration.

What member news will NAES include on the web site?
NAES wishes to publish stories that highlight the Episcopal identity of our members through important and outstanding programs in the areas of worship, religious studies, community service, equity & justice initiatives, and other aspects of Episcopal school life. We are also seeking to celebrate significant milestones in the life of your school and the leaders who serve them. In all cases, NAES reserves the right to select, at its discretion, the articles for publication and to edit them for length.

How many and for how long will News from Our Members items be posted?
Links to up to five items at a time will be published on the home page. The length of time these links will appear on the home page will relate directly to the stories’ timeliness. Stories will be moved to the News from Our Members Archive as necessary, where they will remain, available for review and inclusion in our site search.

Will you be accepting photos or video for publication?
We do not accept photographs or videos for inclusion on the web site. We cannot control or guarantee what use visitors to the NAES web site make of materials or photographs on the site. We are particularly concerned about this situation with regards to photographs that clearly include your students. It is for this reason that we do not accept photographs and video for publication.

How do I submit member news items?
Please e-mail your releases to

David Schnabel
Conferences & Communications Coordinator

Stories should be sent as a Word document using the ".doc" extension and not the ".docx" extension. Be sure to include full school contact information with the release so that individuals interested in your news item may reach you directly. See the bottom of this announcement for an example of the information required.

We look forward to provinding this service and hope that you our members, the media and the general public find it useful.
