June 1, 2009 Is Application Deadline for 2009-2010 Outreach Fund Grants

Members are asked to remember that June 1, 2009 is the application deadline for NAES Outreach Fund grants to be distributed July 1, 2009 and used in the 2009-2010 school year. Guidelines and application forms are available online in a PDF file by clicking the below-listed link. Or call NAES at 800.334.7626, ext. 6134, for answers to your questions or to request an information packet.

Each year NAES designates 10% of its Annual Fund goal to be distributed in the form of Outreach Fund grants to members, associate members, and regional, state, or diocesan Episcopal schools organizations. These grants assist projects commensurate with the Association’s mission and philosophy and, in the past, have supported programs to strengthen Episcopal identity; curriculum and worship resource development; community service and school partnership projects; and staff and faculty professional and spiritual development programs.
