The Commons: the NAES Blog

Timely, sometimes tough, questions and insights from NAES and Episcopal school leaders on leadership, governance, Episcopal identity, community life, and other issues. Read More »

Shared-Expenses Allocation

This documents provides a rationale and process that schools and churches should adopt when determining and allocating shared expenses. It explores: revenue and expense sources in church and school budgets; the benefits of allocation as opposed to undifferentiated lump sum payments; optimal church and school governance structures necessary for the process; implementation suggestions and instructions; and lists of key budget areas for consideration.

Orienting New Vestry Members

Schools sponsored by a parish or cathedral live in relationship to their sponsoring organization and to the vestry, the parish's governing body. Incorporating the school into new vestry orientation can get church-school relations off to a good start. Here are some suggestions.

Parish Day School Governance: Sample Annual Board Calendar

An annual board calendar showing tasks and critical decisions is one way to realize best practices in parish day school governance and support a smooth working relationship between church and school. This article offers the rationale behind such a calendar and a sample calendar you can adapt for your school

Welcoming a New Head of School

Completing the search for a new head of school is only the beginning of a successful leadership transition. Once the appointment is announced an equally important phase begins: welcoming and supporting the school’s new leader. The head of school is the school board’s sole employee and, as such, it is the board’s responsibility to integrate the new head into the community. Here are some key considerations for a smooth and graceful transition.