Ann Mellow: Morning Meditation from Biennial Conference 2020

When I first began teaching, I thought academics were all that really mattered. But the more I worked with young people, the more I came to see that great intellect did not always come with a warm heart or a clear moral compass. I saw students crippled by sadness in their lives, or worry, or anxiety or anger and hurt that made learning a shadowy process. Slowly, I came to see not merely their minds but the totality of who they were, and who they were becoming. Read More »

Episcopal Identity and Leadership Transitions: The Head of School Search

In an Episcopal school, articulating the school's particular Episcopal identity, ethos, and traditions, as well as its relationship to any Episcopal Church entity such as a parish or diocese, are critical to a successful search for a new head of school. Here are some key questions that boards, search committees, and candidates can ask and answer as they embark upon the search process.

Establishing an Episcopal School: An Introduction

Are you exploring the establishment of an Episcopal school or Early Childhood Education program? The decision to establish a new Episcopal school requires discernment, education, planning, and time. Before you being your discernment process, read this article!

Roles and Responsibilities: Early Childhood Program Rector

A sample list of typical standing commitments and tasks of the rector of an Early Childhood program. This document reflects recommended best practices. It is intended as a draft document for discussion and for the creation of a list unique in each church and school.

Understanding the “Independence” of Episcopal Schools

When it comes to Episcopal schools, it is easy for language to become muddied and misunderstood. Because of the variety of governance structures within Episcopal schools, the word “independent” can mean different things to different people.